Hazel's Slingshot Experiment
    My problem is to decide which slingshot worked better, a store bought one, or a homemade one. I decided to do this project because my mom has some rubber straps in her room and every time I see them I feel like slinging something out of it.  In this project, I got to do a lot more than that. My hypothesis was that if I slung rocks out of a homemade and store bought slingshot, the rocks in the homemade slingshot would go the farthest. Overall, the average number of my feet that the items for homemade slingshot was about 23 of my feet. For the store bought slingshot, the average was about 43 of my feet. I thought this would have worked because I thought that I would have better materials to work with to make the slingshot work better.  My results were different than my hypothesis. It turned out that the rocks and the other items I slung in the store bought slingshot went the furthest. I think it didn't work out because the store bought slingshot was built with much better materials than the homemade slingshot was. If I did this project again, I would build the homemade slingshot with better quality materials than I did before.